Friday, March 6, 2009

I Hate My...

Everybody has something about themselves they wish they could change. According to a People Magazine Poll 90% of women wish they could change something about their bodies. Infact 34% of women actually said that they would be willing to try a diet even if it posed at least a slight health risk. This is completely insane. I'm all for plastic surgery if it's something that means so much to you but to take your health at risk to shed a few pounds is preposterous.

No woman is perfect (Other than myself of course... Well that's what I tell my husband anyway.) And no woman can escape feeling self-conscious and insecure at times. It's human nature. I did a little research to get my point across so I'm just going to dive right in.

Sheryl Crow hates her legs and has a crooked nose. She's thin, she's gorgeous and yes even she has something she'd like to change about herself.

Angelina Jolie has admitted to being insecure about her body since having her twins. She says she's saggy. Hey wait... Isn't she considered a sex icon? With her lips no one is going to be checking for any loose skin. She looks so great that even Brad Pitt (Sexiest Man EVER) goes to bed with her every night.

Fashionista Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham has been quoted saying "There are loads of things I don't like about my body. I don't like my hair, my belly button, my stomach or my fingernails. Also I have no definition. Probably from having babies. I look awful naked." Really cause just about ever woman I know want to have her style and look as great as her. She can pull off anything. (Though I've never heard of someone hating their fingernails but to each their own. I have bigger problems myself... Like a huge ass.)

Kate Beckinsale doesn't like her teeth. She said "I never realized what enormous teeth I have until I saw my movies." And here I thought she had a gorgeous smile.

Gwenyth Paltrow never feels thin enough or that her breasts are not big enough. It is so sad that she feels that she needs to be thinner because I read on a different poll somewhere that people think she is too thin. But that's Hollywood pressure for you.

Jessica Biel (Whom I love and can only wish I looked as great as her. She really does have a perfect body) hates her legs, saying "They could be longer and leaner."

Joss Stone is super shy and self-conscious about her body being quoted saying "I never feel gorgeous. I've got wobbly bits that I hate and I'm as embarassed by my body as any woman."

America Ferrara used to hate her curves. "I thought I was fat. I wanted to be a Charlie's Angel but couldn't squeese into a size 0 leather trouser."

Audrey Hepburn was self-conscious of her nose.

Mary Kate Olsen actually goes out of her way to not be photographed wearing a bathing suit. She doesn't want to hear the scrutiny of the press saying she's too thin or not thin enough. Which I assume is very hard to hear for someone who is recovering from anorexia.

Anna Faris was self-conscious about her body when she posed for Play Boy Magazine. Saying that she was "awkward and clumsy" in high school.

Lindsay Lohan is self-conscious of her legs and freckles.

Keira Knightley absolutely hates Red Carpet events saying "I don't like the fact that people write 'Oh you look like crap' or 'I don't like your arms'. I'm not Wonder Woman! I have self-esteem issues. Everybody does. You know skinny people are allowed to feel like shit about themselves too."

Jessica Alba claims that she is self-conscious and shy despite being voted World's Sexiest Woman.

Before hating down on yourself just try to remember that everyone may have something that they don't like about themselves but everyone also has something special about themselves too. So try to focus on your positives rather then your negatives. It's not easy to do. Maybe you can grab a jar and put a dollar into it every time you put yourself down. When you have enough treat yourself to a spa treatment, a vacation or a pair of pants that make your ass look great. Whatever you do always remember that it's human nature to feel down. And you are perfect just the way you are.

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