Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Newest Love

OK. So I'm not sure about all of you but to me mascara is my one can't-do-without make up product. For years I have been a Maybelline girl. Define-a-lash was something that I just couldn't live without. I also thought that one mascara was the same as any other. It is all in the brush. You find a brush that you like and stick with it. I have very fine and light lashes and I need definition. So I can't very well use a mascara brush that clumps my lashes together. I need a brush to seperate every single lash an thicken them. Well Define-a-Lash has certainly met my standars for some time now. I thought that I was very happy with it. I have also put up with years of mascara that flakes and falls into my eyes. But I just thought that this is what mascara did.

Then I saw the light. I was told to try Lancome Definicils. Eager to try new products I marched out in search for this fabulous cosmetic. Once I had it in my hand my heart dropped. The brush. Oh no. I can't use this brush. I spent years looking for the perfect brush and I've found it. And this isn't it. I happened to be speaking my thoughts aloud and the sales clerk handed me a different tube of mascara. I opened it and it was like the angels were singing around me. YES, this is my brush. So I bought the mascara and gave it a try.

It was perfect. It seperated my lashes beautifully, it made them fuller and longer. I was in heaven. But the true test hadn't been passed yet cause Define-a-Lash does the exact same thing. So I wore it out and about and there was no flaking. None. At all. At one point I happened to rub my eye and inwardly swore. #*%$, I've just smudged my make-up. Off to the washroom to go fix it up. And wait a second, there is no smudge. My mascara still looks great. And that did it for me. I am a convert. I will always have fond memories of of my Define-a-Lash days but I will never experience them again. I have found a new mascara god. And I live it.

So you've just heard the benefits of this mascara. Are there any pit falls? Well yes there is one. PRICE. I was used to spending under $10 on my mascara and this is three times the price. But as far as cosmetics go $30 isn't that much. I spend almost as much on my eye shaddows. So it's your call. Do you pay the extra or not? I know I will.

1 comment:

  1. Hhhrmmm.... 30 bucks a tube eh? that price is a sight for sore eyes. pun intended lol
