Saturday, April 11, 2009


So first off let me start with the fact that when I got my bangs cut months ago, I had no idea how to style them. I just figured that their bangs and how hard can it be. Well it's not hard... once you know what you are doing and us late bloomers always need a little extra help. Through a lot of trial and error (and very crunchy bangs) I found a way of keeping them in place without the crunchy look. So to avoid what my friends and I call the "comb over" look (where your side bangsget splits in themand hang in chunks rather than in one solid unit) simply follow these directions:
1. Using your flat iron or a curling iron, curl the tips of your bangs under (Not too much)
2. Tilt your head to the side ans let your bangs fall naturally off the side of your head.
3. Spray the under side of your bangs with your hairspray of choice.
4. Run the back of your fingers along the tips of your bangs that you just sprayed. This will help set it. And Voila! you're done.
I actually made up a video tutorial of this technique but I hate being onfilm... even just here where probably no one will want to see it anyway. So if you are having trouble with it I can always upload the video for you. Remember that no matter the look you are trying to achieve, it always takes practice. Don't attempt anything before some big gala. You should always practice any new technique at home when you don't have anything going on. You'll be much less stressed. The Mona Lisa was not painted in one single sitting. So take your time and play around with it.

1 comment:

  1. I will be taking your advice tonight...Wish me luck.
